Understanding Islam
The Understanding Islam course, which comprises forty-six parts, each made up of a 30-minute YouTube Video talk and an accompanying article, is available from this website for use freely throughout the world. All programmes were originally produced and broadcast on Ahl ul-Bayt TV.
To accompany each of the Understanding Islam episodes Dr Chris Hewer has also written a series of supportive articles (available to download as pdf files). Each article corresponds with one of the television programmes, although some additional material might be found in one medium but not the other.
Dr Chris Hewer has been engaged in such work for decades and has developed a teaching style that is clear and easy to follow, either in speech or in writing. The fact that the programmes were broadcast initially on a Muslim TV channel gives a sign of authenticity.
Understanding Christianity for Muslims
In this evolving course, Dr Chris Hewer attempts to use his knowledge both of Christian theology and of Islam to help Muslims to develop an understanding of Christianity as mainstream Christians understand it.
The Muslim who wants to understand Christianity as it is understood by Christians has two initial problems. First, the Qur'an contains teaching about Prophet Jesus and his din (way of life) that cannot be reconciled fully with Christianity as Christian theologians understand it. No Muslim can be expected to deny or ignore this Islamic teaching, but the difference between the two paradigms needs to be identified and understood. Second, understanding Christianity requires an empathetic entering into the Christian paradigm, to attempt to see Christianity ‘through Christian eyes’ whilst remaining firmly committed to the way of Islam.
The course is not a general introduction to Christianity but rather has been shaped by the issues that arise in the minds of educated Muslims. It is based on years of discussion with Muslims and attempts to present courses that come from within the mainline Western Christian tradition to Muslims who are interested in understanding Christianity.