Understanding Islam Series 4. Bearers of the Final Message

This is the fourth series in the Understanding Islam course comprising a further ten episodes.

Each Episode is available as a YouTube Video below and corresponding PDF episode notes are available for each broadcast. Either left click the PDF icon to view in your Web Browser, or right click to save the document to your desktop. (Adobe Reader or compatible web browser required.)

UI Series 4. Individual Episodes & Notes

Episode 1.

The initial expansion of Muslim rule.

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Episode 2.

Islam spreads outside the Middle East.

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Episode 3.

Greek knowledge passes through the Muslim lands.

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Episode 4.

Sifting and collecting the Hadith.

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Episode 5.

Theologians and their schools.

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Episode 6.

Islam and other faiths.

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Episode 7.

The Islamic critique of Judaism and Christianity.

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Episode 8.

Looking again at Islam and women.

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Episode 9.

The Art of Islam.

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Episode 10.

Muslims in the contemporary world.

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