For much of the last dozen years, I have been running courses, writing and talking to people to help them to understand Islam and Christian-Muslim relations. For six years in Birmingham (1999-2005), when I was the Adviser on Inter-Faith Relations to the Bishop of Birmingham, my focus widened to include practical and structural relations between all the major faiths in that great cosmopolitan city. For the last five years (2006-2010), I worked in London with a narrower focus – precisely to develop adult popular education in understanding Islam for Christians and others, understanding Christianity for Muslims, Christian-Muslim relations in history and today, and exploring the multi-faceted world of Muslims and the West. This work was generously funded by a syndicate of four charitable bodies, both Muslim and Christian, of which the St Ethelburga Centre for Reconciliation and Peace was one, and so I was known as the St Ethelburga Fellow in Christian-Muslim Relations. But the story does not begin there!
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